How Fast Do Hockey Players Skate & Who is the Fastest Hockey Skater

Hockey players skate at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. They can reach these high speeds because of the way they glide across the ice. When they are skating at full speed, their skates barely touch the surface of the ice.

This allows them to move quickly and change direction easily.

Hockey players are some of the fastest athletes in the world. They can skate up to 30 miles per hour on the ice! That’s pretty fast, but it’s not as fast as you might think.

The record for the fastest speed skating is held by a Dutchman who reached nearly 37 miles per hour!

2019 Bridgestone NHL Fastest Skater

Fastest Hockey Player Mph

In 2014, the NHL recorded the fastest skating speed during a game at 21.8 mph. The player who achieved this speed was Michael Grabner of the New York Islanders. He bested the previous record, which was held by St. Louis Blues’ Vladimir Tarasenko, by .2 seconds.

What makes Grabner’s skating speed so impressive is that he didn’t use any fancy equipment or special techniques to reach his top speeds. In fact, most of the NHL’s top skaters use similar methods to increase their speed on the ice. One common method is to wear lighter and more aerodynamic equipment.

This includes items such as gloves, pants, and even skates that are designed to help a player move more quickly across the ice. In addition to lighter gear, many players also taper their blades so that they’re thinner in front and thicker in back. This design helps with glide and can make it easier for a player to reach higher speeds.

Players also use specific training exercises to improve their skating speed and stamina out on the ice. These exercises often mimic game situations so that players can learn how to better pace themselves during long shifts or when chasing down an opponent on a breakaway. With all of these factors working in their favor, it’s no wonder that some NHL players are able to skate at incredibly high speeds!

And with records being broken every season, we may see even faster times in the future from some of hockey’s quickest skaters!


What is the Average Speed of an Nhl Skater?

The average NHL skater is able to skate at a speed of about 25 miles per hour. However, there are some players who are able to skate much faster than this. For example, Pittsburgh Penguins forward Sidney Crosby has been clocked skating at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour.

How Fast is the Fastest Nhl Skater?

In the NHL, speed is a coveted asset. The faster you are, the more difficult it is for opponents to keep up with you and the easier it is to create scoring opportunities. So, how fast is the fastest NHL skater?

The answer may surprise you. While there have been some incredibly fast skaters over the years, the record for the fastest skating speed in an NHL game belongs to Tampa Bay Lightning forward Martin St. Louis. In a game against the New York Islanders on April 3, 2014, St. Louis reached a top speed of 34.3 kilometers per hour (21.2 miles per hour), according to data from SportVU, which tracks player movements using GPS technology.

To put that into perspective, that’s faster than Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt’s top recorded speed of 33 kilometers per hour (20.5 miles per hour). In fact, at his peak speed, St. Louis was actually traveling faster than any human being has ever run on foot! While St. Louis’ skate down the ice was certainly impressive, it’s important to note that this isn’t something he can do for an entire game – or even an entire shift.

The 34-year-old only reached that top speed for a brief moment and then had to slow down to make a sharp turn near the boards. Skating at such high speeds is incredibly taxing on the body and not something that can be sustained for long periods of time.

How Do Nhl Players Skate So Fast?

NHL players skate so fast because they have good technique and are able to generate a lot of power. They also have strong legs and use their body weight to their advantage.

Who is the Fastest Hockey Skater?

In the NHL, there are a few players who could lay claim to the title of fastest skater. But if we’re talking about pure speed, then the player with the quickest feet is definitely Edmonton Oilers’ winger Connor McDavid. McDavid has been clocked at top speeds of over 30 miles per hour on the ice, which is absolutely incredible.

What’s even more impressive is that he can maintain that speed for long periods of time and doesn’t seem to get tired. His quickness and agility also make him incredibly difficult to defend against. While there are other players in the NHL who may be just as fast as McDavid, nobody has been able to match his combination of speed, endurance and skill.

That’s why he’s widely considered to be not only the fastest hockey player in the world, but one of the best players period.


Hockey players are able to skate at high speeds due to the sharp blades on their skates and their power-to-weight ratio. The average hockey player can skate up to 20 miles per hour, but some players can skate even faster than that. The speed of a hockey player’s skating depends on many factors, including their stride length, how much energy they are using, and the surface they are skating on. More Sports Info


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