What is Carry in Basketball And Travel in Basketball – Gsports Zone

In basketball, “carry” is a term used to describe the illegal act of moving one’s pivot foot before picking up the ball. This results in a turnover and the opposing team being awarded possession of the ball. It is important to note that there are different types of carry, each with their own set of rules and guidelines.

For example, if a player moves their pivot foot while holding the ball, it is considered a traveling violation. On the other hand, if a player picks up their dribble and then moves their pivot foot, it is called an over-and-back violation.

Carry, also known as palming, is a violation in basketball. It occurs when a player holds the ball in one or both hands for more than three seconds without dribbling or passing. This violation is called “carrying” or “palming.”

The penalty for carrying is loss of possession. If you are caught carrying the ball, the other team gets the ball automatically. There are two main reasons why players carry the ball.

The first reason is that they are trying to control the ball so that they can make a good pass or shot. The second reason is that they are trying to waste time so that their team can keep the lead and win the game. Carrying is not allowed in basketball because it gives players an unfair advantage.

If everyone could carry the ball, then there would be no need to dribble and the game would become very boring. Dribbling adds excitement and makes it harder for players to keep control of the ball, which makes it more fun to watch and play.

What’s A Carry In Basketball & What’s Not? Basketball Rules Explained!


What is a Travel in Basketball

A travel in basketball occurs when a player illegally moves their feet while holding the ball. This can happen either by taking too many steps without dribbling, or by dribbling and then picking up their dribble and taking additional steps. Either way, it results in a turnover.

There are a few key things to remember about travels in basketball: 1. A travel results in a turnover, so it’s an important part of the game to avoid if you want to keep possession of the ball. 2. Travels can be called on both offensive and defensive players.

3. You can’ttravel with the ball unless you’re dribbling it; once you pick up your dribble, you have to pass or shoot within a certain number of steps (usually two). 4. If you think you might have committed a travel, just give up the ball – otherwise, you risk getting called for an offensive foul, which would give the other team possession plus a free throw attempt.


Is a High Dribble a Carry?

In basketball, a dribble is defined as the continuous bouncing of the ball by one player while moving on the court. A carry occurs when a player stops dribbling and then takes more than two steps without passing or shooting the ball. So, to answer the question posed, yes – a high dribble can be considered a carry if the player takes more than two steps after coming to a stop.

There are some exceptions to this rule, however. If a player loses control of the ball while dribbling (e.g., because they were fouled), they are allowed to take up to two steps before regaining control. This is known as gathering oneself.

Similarly, if a player attempts a shot and it bounces off the rim, they are also allowed to take up to two steps before making another pass or shot attempt. The rule about taking more than two steps without passing or shooting also doesn’t apply if the player is in what’s known as “the cylinder.” The cylinder is an imaginary area above and around the basket that extends from the backboard to just below where the ring hangs on front of it.

As long as a player has not left this area, they are allowed as many steps as they want without being called for carrying the ball. This rule exists so players can go up for rebounds and put-backs without having to worry about being whistled for traveling violations every time. So there you have it!

Now you know that a high dribble can technically be considered a carry, but there are some important exceptions to keep in mind.

Is Double Dribble a Carry?

In basketball, the term “double dribble” refers to a violation that occurs when a player tries to pick up their dribble, stops dribbling, and then starts dribbling again. This is also commonly referred to as “carrying the ball.” Carrying the ball is a major no-no in basketball and results in an immediate turnover.

Not only is it frustrating for your opponents, but it also puts you at a huge disadvantage because you can no longer make any offensive moves. There are two ways to avoid committing a double dribble: by keeping your hand on top of the ball while you’re dribbling or by passing the ball to another player. If you do happen to stop your dribble, make sure that you pass the ball before picking up your dribble again.

What is the Carry Rule in the Nba?

The “carry” rule in the NBA is when a player dribbles the ball and then picks it up, he has to wait for at least one second before he can dribble again. This rule was put in place to prevent players from constantly dribbling the ball without moving their feet, which slows down the game.

What Happens If You Carry in Basketball?

In basketball, a player is called for a foul when they commit certain illegal acts. The most common fouls are personal fouls, which occur when a player hits another player in a way that is not allowed by the rules. If a player commits four personal fouls in one game, they are said to have “fouled out” and are not allowed to play anymore.

There are also technical fouls, which can be given for unsportsmanlike conduct or for violating the rules of the game. A technical foul results in free throws for the opposing team, and if a player receives two technical fouls in one game they are automatically ejected from the contest. Carrying is a type of violation that results in a turnover.

It occurs when a player dribbles the ball with their hand too far on top of it, causing it to roll up their arm and onto their shoulder or neck. Once this happens, the other team is awarded possession of the ball. So what happens if you carry in basketball?

If you carry while dribbling, it’s a turnover and the other team gets the ball!


In basketball, a carry is a violation of the rules that occurs when a player dribbles the ball with their hand excessively on or below their waist level. This can be called either carrying or palming the ball. A carry results in a turnover and the opposing team gains possession of the ball. More Sports Info


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